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Musical Thesis: Mutual Benefit "Love's Crush Diamond"

At the center of every album is a musical thesis. In my mind, this is a north star guiding an artist while they create. The journey may take them on strange and interesting turns but the goal is always at the forefront of a band's mind. For Mutual Benefit's "Love's Crushing Diamond," I hear a quietly haunting album meant to rise above the conversation. There aren't a lot of lyrics to be found on this album but those that are present speak of challenges we all experience. You, as the listener, are meant to fill in the gaps with your own challenges, struggles, and celebrations. Rarely, does an artist provide an opportunity like this to explore. 

One of the experiences I was left to ponder was my understanding of nature and how it operates. This made me think of systems that would operate perfectly on their own without human interactions. Every day, the sun rises. Animals begin their daily routines. Plants reach for the sun. Life comes alive before being replaced with new and strange activities that can only be found when the stars come out to play. For billions and billions of years, the cycle has worked without my input. Now, we find ourselves in the age of man and things are changing. When I hear the music on this album, I am left to think of those things. 

Of course, an album named "Love's Crushing Diamond," pays some attention to that one natural resource we always fail to name. In these songs, I feel the pressure of searching for love. I hear time and the passing of it. I hear the hard work that is required for love to occur. It reminded me to stay grateful for the love in my own life. It reminded me to count my lucky stars that such an amazing thing has happened to me. An intimate love won't visit every person on this planet. For those lucky enough to experience such a feeling, I feel as if we are called upon to share and help relieve some pressure. 

Be good to each other, 
