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Cinephile No. 633 "2017 Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts"

This was my first year to see all of the films in the Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts category. Much like the live action shorts, I had to search out and visit a local independent theater to watch them. For years, I have discounted these films because of the animation. After watching all of these shorts films, I now realize that was a mistake. What these movies lack in time, they more than gain back in original source material, storytelling, and enthralling animation. These are films demanding to be seen and they demand to be seen by more than just your children. 

These are great movies because I have never seen anything make such good use of 7 minutes. 4 of the 5 films nominated, we about 7 minutes. The fifth was closer to thirty-five minutes long and was very adult in nature. Funny enough, it was my least favorite of the nominees. The others made good use of the compact format by delivering engrossing stories of a man questioning life, a father with a growing daughter, a young bird stepping out in the wild, and a blind woman who can only see the past and future, but not the present. Each story approached animation differently, but each made masterful use of the art. Together, they told powerful stories that deserve to be seen again and again. 


Be good to each other, 
