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Eulogy for a Friend Still Fighting

My dear friend, I know life has been a challenge. At times, the burden seems too great to bear. I also know this life is not the adult life your 12 year old self must have imagined. There were and are times you feel like giving in. I understand this process, completely, but I respect you for fighting. I respect you more than you know or I can express with my words.

I say this though; there is nothing wrong with you that cannot be solved by what is right with you. If a change is what you need, then pursue change. While I realize some things are out of your control, those things that aren’t should be evaluated. If there is something in your life void of value, flush it. At the same time, enhance those things that make you smile and fill your heart with joy.

This life is short. Our tomorrows are not guaranteed. We can simply live each day to the fullest. If we are to make the most of this life, then we must learn from the challenges. They cannot cloud the moments of joy. Instead, they should direct us down the proper path of our choosing.

This is my wish for your life. I wish you joy. I wish you happiness. I want you to be content with who you are, what you have and what you can accomplish. I will not be provided that opportunity, if you submit to the pain. I beg of you to fight. I make this request not for my own selfish reasons, but for you. There are so many people in this world who love you and are loved by you. I am lucky to count myself in both camps.

So, make this promise to me: push that eulogy back. There is so much we have left to do.


Thanks for entering my world,
