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An Open Letter to the Nike Corporation

An Open Letter to the Nike Corporation, For Sending My Mama One New Shoe

 I called under difficult circumstances. I was not treated like just another person, even if I technically am. I don't know if Michael could tell I was trying not to cry, even though I don't cry easily and I certainly was choking back tears. I asked where this One Shoe Program started. He took extra time from his day--he wasn't irritated, and he answered me. 

 I have a competition this weekend for physically disabled athletes and I'll be telling everyone who listens. [While wearing MY NIKES.] I was so moved by his compassion that I might never buy another shoe with another name disgracing it. 

 I wish you all could see my mama's face when she gets this beautiful shoe. It's no small thing to be able to give her something new and singular when I can't give her her leg back or give her one of mine. We can build ramps and we can show her patience and grace but we can't fix this. She can walk with a walker and our family laughs a lot, but we've lost so much too. She deserves the world, but this week she gets a Nike shoe, and you guys did that by simply doing your jobs. 

 Please know that no matter what kind of week you all have you certainly made mine, and it's been a really long, terrible road. For a brief moment I stopped feeling helpless.The kindness of strangers never ceases to humble me. I'm grateful she's alive, but sometimes I'm really mad at what she can't do or have. 

 You might be a big corporation, but you don't forget that things like amputees and families and carbon footprints matter. That's why I've always been a fan. I didn't know about this program until recently, but I knew about other pieces of your philosophy. I thank Michael for his time and kindness on the phone, and I thank all of you for working hard for people who maybe don't think to tell you how much it means. I'll tell you for them. I have nothing if not words. 

 In Oklahoma we like to make folks dinner. I wish I could have you all over, but instead, I'll send a virtual hug. Big ups, and take care.
