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100 Days of Happiness

If you’ve read one page of this blog in the last six months, you know I am struggling. Losing my brother, has morphed into one of the most challenging events of my life. On a daily basis, I battle regret, pain, disappointment, grief and a thousand other emotions. Complicating my life even more, are my challenges with personal relationships, professional growth and a sense of fulfillment. To put it simply, I am not happy and have not been for a very long time.

Happiness is a state of mind. It comes and goes. I fundamentally believe to reach this state, I must seek it; conversations with friends who have battled depression, anxiety and the frustrations of life have reinforced this idea for me. So where do I look?

Several weeks ago, a blog post from Medium fell out of the sky into my inbox. The author seemed to be struggling just like me. Battling depression, he challenged himself to take a photo of something every day that made him happy. This forced him to seek happiness, recognize it, document it and save it for later. When depression began to sneak back in, he opened his phone and reminded himself happiness was around the bend.

At this point in time, I am willing to try anything. 13 weeks ago, I began the 100 Days of Happiness Challenge. I want to share this experience with you as it continues to make a difference in my life. 


Thanks for entering my world, 
