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A Vessel

If we look at our lives as ships at sea, the direction our vessel could go is boundless. If I look at my life as a ship on the open ocean, I desire to be a vessel retired from selfish things. This is a mission I fail at daily, but it forever rests at the back of my mind. To be the person I wish to be, I must begin to actualize this desire. 

For me, this means a radical change. It also means giving up simple things in order to discover the important things. I have a long term vision of where I want to be, who I want to be with and the work I would like to accomplish. To take the next step, a radical change is required. A part of living curiously means I must embrace change. At the very least, I must try. I must go to places unfamiliar to me. I must be brave in love. I must hit "apply." 

I also want to be a ship destined for a journey much different than most. Talking with my inner circle, I know the things I want are unorthodox. They require strength to be summoned and moments without fear. They also require me to remain uncomfortable. I could be very satisfied with the work I do and call this a life well lived. My head and heart won't let me rest and I am grateful for that. 

To get there, to some sense of satisfaction, I will be tossed about in dark and stormy oceans. This is necessary in order for a path to feel like an answered prayer. The trials and tribulations in our lives are necessary. Within them, lies teachable moments. It is my hope, we are willing to learn. Our education should reveal some truth before the destination is realized. While it wasn't the case in the moment, I am indebted to every disappointment laid at my feet. 

So, big changes are coming my way. I feel it in my bones. I want to be a vessel determined to no longer rest on comfortable shores. As I explore, as I test, as I fail and as I succeed, support; support with all your might. Change is a challenge, but this vessel of mine is ready. 


Thanks for entering my world, 
