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Musical Thesis: Trampled by Turtles "Wild Animals"

At the center of every album, is a musical thesis. "Wild Animals" is my first Trampled by Turtles album beside a live album. The one word I would use to describe it is haunting. It has a way of building and mustering strength to make itself known. It has an ebb and a flow. If we, human beings, are the wild animals, then this is the perfect metaphor for the lives we lead. Another thought that stuck with me while listening to this album, was how folk has always been in the background to my life. My parents listened to Dylan. My dad lived in California during the 60's and 70's. He brought that music back home. I have always listened to music that made you pay attention to the lyrics. Modern folk carries on this tradition. This album makes you pay attention. Haunting lyrics make you do that. Finally, this music is slow. It may be too slow for many. For me, it is methodical and well thought piece. Everything is where it should be and nothing is wasted. In the auto tuned world we find ourselves, this is refreshing. 


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