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My 2014 Person of the Year

At the end of each year, I find it necessary to sit down and put pen to paper in an effort to properly thank the person who has had the biggest influence on my life in the previous 365 days. I do this for a couple reasons; we all deserve to know our impact, you never know who needs to hear it and it is the best way for me to show appreciation. 

Without a doubt, my person of the year is my youngest brother Lucas. Now, for anyone who has read this blog or for anyone who knows me and my family, the reasons for picking Lucas may seem obvious. While you aren't entirely wrong, my reason for selecting my little brother has much more to do with the photo above. 

The photo above was taken over the July 4th weekend of 2009. It was the last time we were all together as a family. The impetus for the photo was my father's diagnosis of cancer. My parents weren't sure of the outcome and wanted an opportunity to document our family before the possibility of dark times ahead. 

The next time we would be together completely as a family would be in November of last year when my brother passed. There was no grand family photo for this occasion. Both instances required something similar though. We were called to rally together. Lucas is my person of the year, not because he caused us to draw near, but rather, he has strengthened something we were all taking for granted. Now, don't get me wrong, I would give anything to reverse the course to ensure the events of early November never happened. What I won't give back is the love, the extra conversations, the phone calls, texts, plans to travel and see each other more often. These things don't happen without Lucas. For that, I will be eternally grateful. 

If I have learned anything in my four years in Seattle, it is that if you wait long enough sunshine will find a way of emerging from the grayest of clouds. And while it is somewhat uncharacteristic of me to find the good in every terrible situation, I do see sunshine in this experience. I see more family photos, laughter and better days ahead. To me, despite the pain, it was Lucas' final gift. Thanks little brother. 


Thanks for entering my world, 
