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Quit Worrying About Being Relevant

This message is for me, but I have a feeling I am not alone. I've seen the studies and so have you. Published paper after paper speaks of the impact social media has on our brains. It is fundamentally changing our character. We are now caught on an endless affirmation cycle. We are measuring our lives based on feedback. I, for one, know this to be true. I scroll through newsfeeds and measure myself compared to friends. I see how many people are reading someone else's blog. I see likes and retweets. You begin to wonder, "Why not me?" Or worse, "have they forgotten about me?" It can become consuming and depressing, until you remember you're more than a collection of likes and shares. 

You are a living, breathing human being. You are more than your social media presence. You are more than viral moments that never seem to last. In a world where people only present their best selves, don't fear being able to stay relevant. In all that you do, stay true to yourself. 

In this quest, learn to love an analog life. Realize, not every moment is worth sharing. Some things are meant just for you. They don't need to be documented and fawned over. Hold them in your memory as long as you can. As the memory fades, make room for something new. 

Finally, disconnect often. Find quiet places where technology isn't allowed to intrude. Find places where peace and the selfish are allowed to flourish. As you progress, remind yourself social media is a communication tool that should be adding value to your life. If it isn't or it can't, leave. Let nothing steal your worth. 


Thanks for entering my world, 
