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Will Work For Hope+Money

I am a social marketer. I believe a strong and well timed message can bring people together for the common good. I also love telling a story. A story that moves people to give, volunteer or change is what I work toward everyday. 

This is the path for me, because I could never see myself working to improve someone's bottom line. I don't say that despairingly. We, in the nonprofit field, need the business sector. I would argue we need them now more than ever. I say this, because for me it is about purpose and fulfillment. 

Life is too short to get up everyday and go to a job you hate to do work you loathe. I want my life to be measured by impact. I hope for a better world, but I am unsatisfied with just being a bystander as others make it happen. I know I have a part to play. 

I once believed in too many causes. I could get behind preservation of the environment, economic empowerment, mentoring, cancer and disease research... the list could go on and did. It wasn't until graduate school that I focused myself. I searched for an underlying need. I looked for a place where I could make an immediate impact. I became convinced that if we could empower women while changing how our global society treats them we could radically change the world. 

The next step in my professional story will be about combining two great passions: Marketing/Communications with the Empowerment of Women. Here is where I can make a career. Here is where I think I can make a difference. Here, my purpose is fulfilled. 


Thanks for entering my world, 
