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When The World Ran Out Of Damns To Give

Cynicism crawls across our electorate, populace, and nation like slow-moving moss. We weren't always this way. We were the country that went to the moon and was left wondering about what lies beyond. We've accomplished big, enormous tasks in the spirit of pioneers and innovators. We moved human history forward, but now something stands in the way. Now, we are left doubting our ability to change anything. By anything, I mean our own lives and the lives of our fellow human beings. 

This is a dangerous place to be. The only thing worse than cynicism is lethargy. We as a people cannot run out of damns to give. The question then becomes; How do we break the chains that bind us? The answer to this fundamental question is complex and multi-faceted, but as a starting point, we must analyze our approach. The roadblocks to change, by their very nature, are a challenge. Too often, we want to move these forces as quickly as possible. This is understandable, but frustration and cynicism begin to show when results aren't realized. Instead, we should launch a ploy that allows small victories over the long haul. We move the roadblock brick by brick. We set clear and attainable goals. Most importantly, we win over and over which keeps our motivation level high. 

As I age, it is hard not to be consumed with the cynicism and indifference in my own life. Every form of media in the world possesses a keen ability to dash my hope. To battle this, I recommend for myself and you a period of time where you disconnect from it. Go on a hike. Take a class. Write. Do something, anything, to recharge your batteries. Give yourself permission to breathe. 

Finally, there are people in this world who will doubt you and will assume you aren't worth a damn. Remove these people from your life. If someone or something isn't adding value to your life, expel it or them like a virus. This life is too short to be consumed with other's negativity. Hell, your own thoughts are enough. 

The world needs people who give a damn. We need you to care. As you move forward, focus on the possible, take care of yourself, and build support. Do these things and retire the cynicism for good. 


Thanks for entering my world,
